Nihil Bordures @ Paris
Composer / sound designer
Co-founder of "Collectif MxM / Cyril Teste"
“We’re conditioned by our habits and doubtful when confronted with big changes.
After just one performance, I understood just how useful BigVCA is.
Try it once and you’ll want one.”
On tour, I have often been irritated by mixing tables that fail to meet my needs. BigVCA keeps everything sweet and simple.
Setup time is shorter. No routings to worry about. And audio, including music, that sounds just like it does in your studio. The bandwidth and transparency are striking.
Handing a show over to someone else is also easier. BigVCA allows you to focus on your sound levels - the main parameters that change from venue to venue.
On tour, I think this level of independence is a big plus. You feel less dependent of the venue’s gear and people.
How do I use it? BigVCA (4x2 outputs) feeds my typical setup : Backstage / Mid-stage / Front of House / Subs.
It really makes me want to work with that setup from the very beginning of the rehearsals.
We’re conditioned by our habits and doubtful when confronted with big changes.
Setups built around a BigVCA allow me to program and test different routings for each scene using my computer's audio workstation. And I can do this knowing that no other tweaking might ruin this or that effect. To be more specific, I’m talking about stage mics that are linked directly to my soundcard and any effects (reverb, etc.) that I might want to use. This is all easy enough with today’s computers and apps.
After just one performance, I understood just how useful BigVCA is. Try it once and you’ll want one.